Universidad de Murcia

The University of Murcia (UM) is a public Spanish university located in the Region of Murcia (Spain). Its centers are distributed across five campuses. It was originally founded in 1272 under the Crown of Castile and later in 1915. It has more than 34,000 students and is a nationally and internationally recognized university. It belongs to the Campus of International Excellence program in the "Campus Mare Nostrum" project along with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.




05 Feb 2025



ID: E10208658
Legal Name: Universidad de Murcia
Country: Spain

public body: YES
non-profit: YES
Type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

type: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Accreditation
Reference: E MURCIA01


The University of Murcia (UMU) is an international institution with more than a hundred years, although its origins date back to the 12th century. With more than 30,000 students (2,000 of them foreigners), 3,000 researchers and professors and an administrative force of 1,200, it is a benchmark for Higher Education in the southeast of Spain. Engine of society in the Mediterranean basin thanks to its Campus of International Excellence Mare Nostrum (CMN). ACADEMIC OFFER: The UMU is a comprehensive state university offer with 60 undergraduate degrees -five double degrees-, 72 master's degrees and 36 doctorates in Fine Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Health Sciences, Sciences, Social Sciences and Law. The UMU has 21 university centers on 5 campuses. The International University of the Sea (UNIMAR) offers around one hundred summer courses in various areas of knowledge. RESEARCH AT THE UMU: The UMU is committed to academic excellence and is a key player in the world of research with its 350 research groups, 4 research centers and institutions, the Office for International Research Projects OPERUM and close collaboration with the national and international industry. The UMU has international recognition and its quality has been proved by the most important certifications: the Faculty of Education is the only one of its kind in Europe that has the ECA Certificate of Quality in Internationalization (2016); and Informatics, Biology and Veterinary have received the national award and international accreditations. Our International Office has the EFQM seal of Quality Management Systems. INTERNATIONALIZATION: The UMU has signed agreements with more than 900 universities around the world. With more than 20 years of experience, both the International Office and the OPERUM Research Office are very active and have extensive experience in European and international research and cooperation projects and in promoting research excellence. Every year 2,000 people participate in our mobility programs, making the UMU a regional leader in internationalization and a key player in the Mediterranean area. The UMU has students of more than 50 nationalities thanks to the Erasmus+ Program and specific agreements and programs with universities in Latin America, North America, Africa and Asia. The UMU offers 4 undergraduate courses in English (Law, Business Administration and Management, Primary Education and English Philology) and 3 postgraduate programs (Biology and Reproduction of Mammals, Technology, New Computer Technologies and Physics). DIGITAL UNIVERSITY: The UMU is a pioneering university of the Spanish University System in the implementation of e-Administration, offering a wide range of digital services and with well-defined strategies to become a digital university, as demonstrated by our Digital Transformation Plan. CONNECTION WITH THE LABOR MARKET: UMU students continue their academic training and develop their professional skills through internship programs. The Entrepreneurship Office 'UMUemprende' favors the creation of companies based on applications of research results and scientific or technological knowledge (spinoffs) as well as the development of innovative projects, favoring the link between the University and society. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY: The UMU is the university in Spain with the second largest number of students with disabilities. Through its Diversity and Volunteering, it participates in the 'Inclusive Campus' Program financed by the Government, ONCE and the REPSOL Foundation, and has been recognized as the Best Public Sector Organization at the Telefónica Ability Awards, the main award in the field of accessibility and integration of people with disabilities. The UMU is strongly committed to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT


Faculty of Psychology Dr. Francisco Javier Corbalán Berna. Full Professor, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, member of the Department of Personality, Psychological Evaluation and Treatment, within the department of evolutionary psychology and education Dra. Ana Fuensanta Hernández Ortiz,. Associate professor in the department of developmental and educational psychology, member of the psychodiversity and health research group. She has carried out innovation projects at the University of Murcia in the area of robotics, creativity and emotions and in recent years developing learning machines to develop creativity through stories and thus be able to regulate the emotions of students. AMIT member. https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-1366-3746 Computer science faculty DR. Fernando Jiménez Barrionuevo y José Tomás Palma Méndez.AIKE (Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering), member of the Applied ICT Research Institute (INTICO), is the research group participating in this proposal. Regarding the topics to be covered in the present proposal, AIKE group will be mainly focused on machine learning model development. In this line, AIKE has a deep knowledge and experience in this field, covering all the step in Machine Learning model development. Specifically, AIKE has proposed new techniques for dimensionality reduction in both feature and instance dimension. The proposed techniques are based on our own multiobjective evolutionary models which have been integrated in wrappers, filters and ensembles techniques for feature selection. DR. Antonio F. Skarmeta Gómez He received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada and B.S. (Hons.) and the Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Murcia Spain. Since 1993 he is Professor at the same department and University. Antonio F. Skarmeta has worked on different research projects in the national and international area of security, like Positif, Seinit, Deserec, Enable, SWIFT and recently in SEMIRAMIS, STORK2.0, GEN6 and Inter-Trust. His main interested is in the integration of security services at different layers like networking, management and web services. He is associate editor of the IEEE SMC-Part B and reviewer of several international journals. He has published over 90 international papers and being member of several program committees. Dr. Antonio Ruiz Martínez is an associate professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering atthe University of Murcia (Spain). He received B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Sciences from the University of Murcia. He is also an IEEE senior member. His main research interests include electronic payment systems, security, privacy, and educational technology. He has participated in several research projects in the national and international areas such as ECOSPACE, SEMIRAMIS, INTER-TRUST, and STORK 2.0. He has published more than 50 papers in conferences and journals. He is also serving as an active technical program committee member in 12 conferences (ICC CISS, ICACCI, SpaCCS, SSCC, etc) and, reviewer and member of the editorial board in several international journals. He was vicedean of quality affairs and innovation in the Faculty of Computer Science (2013-2017). He is leading the teaching innovation group of the UMU in the teaching of ICT and their fundaments. Dr. Jorge Ángel Martínez Navarro Associate professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering at the University of Murcia (Spain). Received the Dipl.-Ing. in telecommunications engineering from Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain), Ph.D. degree from University of Murcia, MBA and master degree in Educative Technology. Wide experience in managing applied technology projects