Comenius iDi
Our mission is to develop creativity in all areas: educational, training, political, scientific, health, sports, and cultural, based on three pillars: Pedagogy, Environment, and Technology.
ID: E10270209
Legal Name: COMENiUS iDi SRL
Country: Spain
public body: NO
non-profit: NO
Type: Small and medium sized enterprise
Comenius iDi, whose business name is Aventurinna iDi, is a center for pedagogy and psychology of education, responsible for developing four fundamental areas; technology, the environment, pedagogy and creativity, developed in threedimensions teachers, students and families. Aventurinna iDi develops and designs educational projects for educational institutions, organizations and associations in order to improve creativity and innovation in schools and classrooms. In the student dimension, it is in charge of intervening in the learning process through workshops, activities and specific programs for students and attending to diversity with personalized education. And in the family dimension, it is in charge of offering training and information on educational, pedagogical and psychological issues in order to promote benefits in families, in their own dynamics and model. Aventurinna iDi also has a research project, in which it participates in national and international congresses, showing its research and collaborations with universities and educational centers.Currently at Aventurinna iDi, its director and founder work and in the technology area there is a department with a director, in charge of innovating in the latest educational methodologies and offering them within educational programs, such as machine learning or robotics. It is a pioneering center in working with High Abilities, as well as working in a multilevel manner and with inclusion in the activities carried out in its center, with specific workshops, for the development of academic skills and the development of individual talents of boys, girls and teenagers It is also a consultation and counseling center for educational psychology for personalized cases, with learning difficulties, family members, guidance to the departments of educational centers and institutes
The most relevant activities that our center develops and that will be key for this project, are coordination with the Universities, centers, institutes and colleges and the computer science faculty to carry out the artificial intelligence model and develop the necessary algorithm through of its technology department, which has had previous experience in innovation projects at the University of Murcia, with the development of machine learning. It will also be key, in the coordination of all the teams and offer the necessary training for the teachers of the Universities, in the introduction to Artificial Intelligence, so that later they can train the teachers of the schools, institutes and educational centers that host to teenage students Aventurinna iDi, will carry out external consultant tasks for the computer science faculty and liaise with it to develop database tasks for the machine, as well as manage the necessary knowledge in the technological area Dra. Ana Fuensanta Hernández Ortiz, has more than 10 years of experience in leading educational projects, carrying out their design, development and implementation. She is a Doctor from the University of Murcia, she belongs to the Psychodiversity and Health research group. She has been teaching at the University of Murcia since 2018. She manages the Aventurinna iDi Educational Pedagogy and Psychology Center, working for the development of educational methodologies that personalize education and carry out innovations through research in the realm of creativity Director of the department of technology and methodological innovations, Andrej Franulic Terrezza. He is an expert in technology innovation, he is a web designer, a graphic designer, he has a space dedicated to the recycling of technological products for their later start-up. He has more than 10 years in developing technology products for education, to be able to carry it out in the classroom, through robotics, machine learning and development of applications for educational research