Universidade da Madeira

The University of Madeira is a Portuguese public university, created in 1988 in Funchal, Madeira. The university offers first, second cycle and Doctorate academic degrees in a wide range of fields, in accordance with the Bologna process. It is now under the CMU/Portugal agreement with Carnegie Mellon University, having master programme in Computer Engineering, Human Computer Interaction and Entertainment Technology. Students admitted will be eligible for scholarships and have internship opportunity during the summer break. In addition, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, founded in January 2010, is devoted to building international partnership with other educational institutes and industry.




03 Feb 2025



ID: E10190578
Legal Name: Universidad da Madeira
Country: Portugal

public body: YES
non-profit: YES
Type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

type: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Accreditation
Reference: P FUNCHAL03


The University of Madeira (UMa) is a state university established in 1988, organized into 4 faculties and 2 schools: Exact Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Health Higher School and Technologies and Management Higher School.
The mission of the University of Madeira is to be a university of international level, achieving excellence through education, research and service to its regional, national and international communities.
Considering that a major aspect of the mission of a university is the transmission of knowledge, research is crucial for the quality of teaching/learning process. Thus, a university can only ensure the pursuit of knowledge by promoting fundamental and applied scientific and cultural research, enhancing its ability to establish strategic partnerships with other universities.
Scientific research activities have been developed at two levels of organization: in structured research units and in self assembled groups which in some cases can be seen as embryos of future units.
At the moment, two structured research units have national and international recognition and are financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)], the Portuguese public agency that supports science, technology and innovation, in all scientific domains : CQM (Madeira Chemistry Research Centre) and CIE-UMa (Center for Research in Education). The University of Madeira also has five poles of research units based in other institutions, with funding from FCT: CIMA (Research Centre for Mathematics and Applications); IPFN (Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion); CEEAplA (Center of Applied Economics Studies of the Atlantic); CINTESIS (Center for Health Technology and Services Research), Madeira N-LINCS (NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics) and CiTUR (Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation).
In the last years, there is a growing activity of scientific research developed in UMa, spread in various areas of knowledge, such as Arts and Humanities, Education, Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physical and Engineering Sciences and Social Sciences. Most of this research has received financial support from FCT and from the European Community through INTERREG international projects and Horizon 2020. This research has been carried out in partnership with several national and international institutions, with a particular effort to achieve a high degree of internationalization.


UMa is a university that offers training to mathematics teachers from primary to secondary education. The DROIDE project, which involves the use of robots in the teaching of mathematics and computing was initiated in 2005/2006. In 2010, the DROIDE II project was funded by the FCT and its research results have been widely used in the teaching practice of teacher training (primary and secondary education in the area of mathematics). In 2014 UMa became an associate partner of the iTEC (Innovative Technologies for Engaging Classrooms) project learning scenarios with interactive technologies and, in addition to robots, other technologies, such as 3D printers and augmented reality, are used in the training of mathematics teachers.UMa also collaborates with the Regional Directorate of Education (DRE) in several domains, such as training teachers and psychologists, as well as, in research and intervention projects. The UMa team is multidisciplinary and has professors and researchers with experience in domains such as intelligence and reasoning, teachers training, mathematics, computer science and technology. So, the UMa key persons are interested in developing a joint multidisciplinary effort for the development and adaptation to the Portuguese context of a learning machine that assists teachers in their mathematics teaching and helps students to develop mathematical competences and improve their results in this domain. The recently approved “New goals for teaching mathematics”. Ana Maria Pereira Antunes is an Assistant Professor at the University of Madeira. She holds a PhD in Psychology (main area of Educational Psychology) and a Post- doctorate in Educational Sciences (main area of Educational Psychology). Her research interests are related to abilities/skills assessment and development, as well as the best practices for educational and social inclusion at comprehensive schools, including the development of psycho-educational programs, and she is a member of REINEVA (International Network for Research, Intervention and Assessment in Intellectual High Abilities), ADIPSIEDUC (Association for Development of Research in Educational Psychology), and ANEIS (National Association for the Study and Intervention on Giftedness) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3336-7867.Elsa Maria dos Santos Fernandes Is Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics of University of Madeira and member of the Center for Research in Education of the University of Madeira. She holds a Ph.D. and a M.Sc in Education, Specialty Didactics od Mathematics and a B.Sc. in Mathematics Teaching all by Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon. She was coordinator of a research project supported by FCT - Droide II – Robots in Mathematics and Computer Science Education (2010 – 2013). Karolina Baras is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics Engineering and Interactive Media Design at the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering at UMa, Portugal. She is the 2nd cycle in Informatics Engineering program director and the member of the recently created research group in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Nuno Miguel da Silva,is an Assistant Professor at

the University of Madeira. He holds a Post-Doctorate in Educational Sciences at the University of Porto (Project title: "Pedagogical leadership in emerging contexts of curriculum autonomy and flexibility. Sandra Maria Freitas Mendonça

is an Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics of University of Madeira (UMa), a member of the Research Centre "Centre of Statistics and its Applications" of University of Lisbon (Portugal) and a member of the Portuguese Statistical Society.